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Our Mission

FAMILO provides

  • easy-to-use and precise technology
  • for families, friends, couples and anyone else
  • to share their location exactly in the moment needed,
  • fully respecting their privacy.

Familonet in the press

  • "With this App you have in mind where your family is staying."
  • "Did the children arrive school safely? [...] Familonet is an App wich sends announcements to parents as soon as the children arrived at their destination."
  • “Thanks to automatic notifications, FAMILO allows small groups - whether families, friends, or colleagues - to know where each other are.”
  • “In the future, Familonet also will tackle cars. When a daughter uses her Smartphone to say she wants to be picked up from school, her father’s on-board navigation system directly receives her location so he can navigate to the pick-up spot.”
  • “In the future, Familonet also will tackle cars. When a daughter uses her Smartphone to say she wants to be picked up from school, her father’s on-board navigation system directly receives her location so he can navigate to the pick-up spot.”
  • “In the future, Familonet also will tackle cars. When a daughter uses her Smartphone to say she wants to be picked up from school, her father’s on-board navigation system directly receives her location so he can navigate to the pick-up spot.”
    Spiegel Online

About us

FamiloApp GmbH Carl-Petersen-Straße 101 20535 Hamburg, Germany


E-Mail: support@familo.net